Dear Carroll friends,
Our time is almost up. We’ve been through so much as a class. Through the football games freshman year, COVID hitting our sophomore and junior years, we have endured a lot in these short 4 years. Time flew by faster than I expected. I still remember when I first got to Carroll, feeling excited but also nervous. Every time I think about freshman and sophomore year it feels like a fever dream. Junior year was kind of a struggle, having to do hybrid days for the whole year. This year we took a really big step forward by eliminating masks. I think everyone liked that.
Kairos retreat was one of my favorite memories from senior year. I learned a lot about classmates that I always see every day in the halls, but had never talked to. I am grateful I had the opportunity to experience that with some of my closest friends. Prom was definitely better than I expected it to be. I could keep on going about sports and other school events, but I’m going to just say that we knew how to have fun.
Finally, it’s almost time to hang up our hats for this school. Now we enter the real world; there are more responsibilities and opportunities for us to experience. I hope we all succeed in whatever our next journey is, whether it be college or work, etc., and that we continue to find our purpose each and every day. I have to admit, Carroll might have not been perfect, but it was far better than almost every other school in our area. In my humble opinion, Patriots over everyone.
– Justin Mejia’22