Julie Nixon

Class of 2021 senior goodbye

The last four years of being at Archbishop Carroll have taught me how important the people in my life are. Having the right people around can make the biggest difference when starting a new chapter, such as high school. Without my friends and family, navigating through high school would be much more difficult.

Playing volleyball has also made my experience at Archbishop Carroll much better. Volleyball has taught me how to work as a team and gave me some of my closest friends today. It has also taught me how hard work pays off in the end.

Kairos has also made a huge impact on my experience at Carroll. Kairos showed me a different side of the teachers and students and made us much closer. It has shown me how the people you might now necessarily be friends with can be some of your closest friends. It has also shown me how important it is to be open with other people because you never know what someone is going through.

Going through this pandemic the past year has shown me how the little things we used to take for granted can make a huge impact on our lives. Even just going into school and seeing your whole class was something that I took for granted. I’m thankful that we were able to have in-person classes this year despite the challenges. Going through these challenges will give us new insight on what matters the most while going into college.

Lastly, I’m thankful for the learning experiences that Carroll has taught me. These four years have taught me how to be a better person for the people around me. I found how important it is to give back and be open minded. Although it is sad ending this chapter in my life, I’m excited to see what else life brings me.