Nicollette Cashin

Class of 2021 senior goodbye

Dear Archbishop Carroll, I just wanted to start off by saying thank you for everything that all the faculty and staff has done for me throughout my four years here at this great school. I would not want to attend any other school besides Carroll.

My first day at Carroll was probably one of the scariest days of my life because I did not know anyone besides one other person and everyone else already had their friend groups from grade school. Even though it was a rough first day, it was still a great time and getting to meet my class for the first time was really exciting.

As freshmen year went on, building my friend group was really exciting as well. Getting to attend things for the first time such as football games, homecoming, and THON was such a great experience.

Throughout the years here at Carroll though I cannot forget to mention my in-school mom, Mrs. Cahill, who was my homeroom teacher for my freshman, sophomore, and junior years. She really helped me get through the good and bad days. She has made such a big impact on my life and time at Carroll.

Mrs. Bourgeois has also made a huge impact on my life in such a short period of time. I have always heard about her as a teacher but never had her until my junior year and, since then, I talk to her everyday.

Lastly I would like to mention Billy G (a.k.a. Mr. Gennaro) for putting up with me and my nonsense through all this time. I am really going to miss interrupting his meetings to vent to him about my problems.

Soccer was a big part of my career here and it meant so much to me. It allowed me to build relationships with my team and coaches as well as being able to play college soccer now. I would like to thank my head coach, Tom Quintois, for everything he has done for me and all we have accomplished, such as reaching states for the first time ever in Carroll soccer history.

It really has been a great experience and such a blessing to be able to go to a school like this. I am going to miss all the students and staff members that I was able to build such a great relationship with throughout my time here. I am really going to miss this school so much and everything it had to offer.