Rachael Peterkin

Class of 2021 senior goodbye

My time at Carroll has been a learning experience for me and has helped me to mature and be a more understanding person. Coming from a majority African American school to a majority white school put me in a culture shock when I first came. I did not know how I would be received or even how I should act being in a school environment where few people looked like me. Honestly, I was nervous about this next step to Carroll as a freshman but I felt so much better through the help of my friends who were in the same position as me and some of my teachers who were understanding.

As a freshman I was very quiet and did not like attention at all, but thanks to teachers like Mr. Kirsch, and Mr. Cimorelli, who constantly put me on the spot in front of my class, I learned to have confidence in myself and how to handle myself when I have that attention on me. Those are the teachers, including Mrs. Bacalou, and Mr.Knowlton, who have helped me to enjoy my high school experience and have supported me. I thank all of my friends that have annoyed me throughout my high school years and have added on to my stress load because those are the people that have kept me laughing and smiling and helped me even on my bad days when they did not know it.

I can say that from my freshman year to my senior year I have grown and matured as a person through my social skills, thoughts and personality. I have learned to be less serious and standoffish and be more open with my funny character and genuine personality. I appreciate all of the friends that I have made during my time at Carroll and all of the people that have shared the same genuine drive to want to succeed in life. This moment of leaving is bittersweet and I am going to miss a lot of people here, but I know we are all going to do great things in the future so see you at the top!