Andrew Garcia

Class of 2021 senior goodbye

One of my fondest memories from Carroll was joining ACTS stage crew and helping to produce our show “White Christmas.” This experience helped me to grow as a person and gain new and stronger friendships.

I joined the stage crew mostly because I wanted to be able to put it on my college applications, but I had no idea how much fun it would be. Building the set was so much fun, and we used real world skills like using power tools and painting. What left a lasting impact on my memory was actually putting on the show. It was exciting changing the scenes and props, and was so fun whispering and joking with my friends backstage. One particular moment I remember was at the end of the show when I helped shake the contraption that made it snow on stage. I don’t know why, but that is a very vivid memory.

This was the first time I had ever been a part of something like this, not just a show but a project that required a lot of teamwork and communication. I feel like this experience helped me become more confident in my abilities outside of school, as up until then I had not done much outside of school. Now I feel like I’ve grown as a person and am less scared of putting myself in new situations in which I would have responsibilities. 

Stage crew also helped me make new friends and become closer with ones I already had. It was so fulfilling being able to create something with people and watch it grow into what was originally envisioned. I’m so grateful that Noelle, Lay’la, Annaliese, Jasmine, and John (just to name a few) were there to have so many fun times with. I will always remember this adventure and I’m so grateful that I was able to be a part of it.