“Here Comes The Big Red Rumble!” Homecoming returns to Carroll
After her crowning as the 2021 faculty homecoming queen, Mrs. Janine Cahill (right) hung out with former faculty queen Mrs. Diane Gimpel and former faculty king Mr. Devin Gallagher.
October 25, 2021
As the Archbishop Carroll community returns to post-Covid school life, the annual pep rally that ends Spirit Week also returned. Because of Covid precautions, the pep rally was held outside for the first time.
With the school day ending early, the students were able to enjoy a break from the stress of school. As the students gathered to the football field, they were welcomed by music and cheerleaders. Once all the students were seated in their respective sections in the bleachers by year, the festivities scheduled for the day were finally able to commence.
The pep rally began with the announcement of the kings and queens for St. Katharine Day School, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia school that operates within Carroll’s building and serves those with special learning needs. As all the students were escorted by Carroll students who are members of Best Buddies, the Carroll student club that participates in social events with SKDS students, applause could be heard throughout the football field. The faculty homecoming king and queen were next to follow.
As the announcements for the new king and queen were announced, cheers filled the bleachers as Mrs. Janine Cahill and Mr. Christopher Fryberger won their new royal titles. Although Mr. Fryberger was not in attendance to receive his crown, both Mr. Gallagher and Mrs. Gimpel were happy to hand over their crowns. Former faculty homecoming queen Mrs. Gimpel was especially proud to see her colleague win the honor.
“Mrs. Cahill is a really good person and she is beyond worthy of the crown,” said Mrs. Gimpel. “She is truly a kind, sweet being who was willing to answer all of my tedious questions when I first came to Carroll so needless to say, I’m glad.”
With all royal matters for the day aside, the pep rally continued with the cheerleading team performing the “Big Red Rumble.” As the cheer team filled the field with flips and enthusiasm, the crowd reciprocated the same energy with cheers and shouts filling the bleachers.
“They [the cheer team] did really well,” said junior Katrina Trimble. “I don’t remember the last time I saw them perform so shout out to the coaches for preparing them and shout out to them [the cheer team] for killing it.”
As the cheer team landed their final back handsprings, the powder puff game between the junior and senior girls began in full swing. Although both grades were fighting vigorously to take home the win, many students seemed far more exhausted. One student expressed how the weather affected the pep rally.
“It was hard to enjoy everything that was going on because it was so unbelievably hot,” said junior Gabriel Petrecz. “I have no clue how everyone in the pep rally was performing and running around for so long.”
With the first half coming to a close, a halftime show of tug of war between the junior and senior boys began. Although the seniors won the first round, the juniors were not prepared to go down without a fight. As they called for more reinforcement from the crowd, the juniors were able to secure a 2-1 win against the seniors.
Although securing a mini win, that would be the first and last victory the juniors would experience that sunny afternoon. As the powder puff game continued, the seniors gathered points upon points against the juniors. Despite the juniors losing their former speed, the seniors did not let up. Although facing a 21-7 defeat, the juniors remained in high spirits up until the final whistle blew. With the day coming to a close, the seniors were able to enjoy their tailgate dinner with a victorious end.