The end of the first semester brings some report card blues
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February 28, 2022
As the first semester came to a close, report card season began. Some Carroll students dread this rather stressful time of year.
At Archbishop Carroll High School, students receive their report cards via email at the end of the first semester. While report cards are encouraged to remain private between parents and students, students still seem inclined to compare each other’s grades and ranks the second the notification comes in.
For some students, report card season is nothing to cause a fuss over, even though it does bring its annoyances.
“To be frank, I don’t care about report card season,” said freshman Josephine Smith. “I can understand why everyone else stresses over it but it’s just another time of year to me. What really annoys me though is when teachers don’t grade their assignments sooner so we’re all shocked when our grade significantly changes right before they’re [report cards] released.”
Unfortunately, report card season isn’t as stress-free for other students. One junior spoke about how receiving report cards is especially stressful this school year.
“I feel like report card season is stressful and competitive, especially junior year,” said Lindsey Davidson. “I don’t know how the class rank is there because I just dislike how we have to be ranked in the first place. It could make students feel bad about themselves or compare themselves to their peers.”
Another junior spoke expanded on the idea that report card season can negatively affect students.
“I think it [report cards] applies a lot of anxiety on all the students,” said Abigail Martinez. “If some students didn’t do as well as they wanted to, they may think their worth is a direct reflection of their grades.”
One sophomore spoke about how although she always feels uneasy this time of year, it is expected.
“Report card season is not the best,” said sophomore Sarah Barrera-Cruz. “There’s always a feeling of uneasiness about what your rank is or if you even ranked. Also, just the thought that grades are already closed and there’s nothing you can do to change them is nerve-wracking. The weeks starting from the testing cycle all the way until report cards come out are very stressful but expected.”
Although most students seem to have a negative view of report card season, others are split. For example, one junior expressed how stressful yet relieving it is to receive report cards.
“It’s [report card season] very, very stressful, especially after the semester because of class rank and GPA,” said Rebecca Wallgren. “There’s just a lot of pressure to perform well and the class rank is the best way to see how you are doing compared to everyone else in your class, so naturally, most students stress over it. It’s also strangely relieving because it’s a sign that you have completed another part of the year and are closer to the end.”