Senior goodbye: Molly Patzuk

Molly Patzuk

Dear Carroll, Family, and Friends, 

Since my time at Carroll is coming to an end, the one word that comes to mind is grateful. I am grateful for Carroll and the welcoming community that I was lucky to be a part of for the last four years. Carroll has taught me valuable lessons that I will carry with me going forward. It has strengthened my faith-life, especially with retreats like Kairos. Although I am sad to leave high school, and already feel nostalgic, I know that what is ahead has great potential. 

Along with being grateful, I am very thankful. I am thankful for my teachers who were patient and helpful. They helped make the class fun in between tests, papers, and projects and weren’t afraid to show us that they too, are humans.

I’m also grateful and thankful for my family and friends. As cheesy as it sounds, I have met so many amazing people who I get to call my best friends. We’ve made many memories that I will cherish because they rock. And I know that wherever life takes them, they will do amazing things. Along with the friends I’ve made, I have always had my family by my side too. They push me to always do my best, even if what I’m doing I thought was scary, they believed in me. As my dad always tells me, I’ll always have four people: in front of me cheering me on, beside me helping me along, and behind me cause they have my back. And those four people of course are my mom, dad, and two brothers who have repeatedly been those three things for me. 

Lastly, I would like to thank Carroll as a whole. When I came here 4 years ago, I simply chose the school because my brothers went there. I was nervous about what the next 4 years would hold and how they would be. But, they have been memorable years and I’m happy I came here. I was able to try new things such as tennis, ACTS, and PatrioTHON, and it all happened because of the Carroll community, my family, and my friends. So, thank you, Carroll ͜!!

-Molly Patzuk