Senior goodbye: Laura Reimer
June 13, 2022
Dear Mrs. Mulligan,
You have changed my high school experience so much and I am so grateful for it! You are one of the teachers who I actually believed I learned something from. Every day you gave me so many opportunities to not only improve my grades but also my work ethic. By teaching me Spanish for only two years you gave me a role model to look up to, inspired me in so many different ways, and gave me someone I could confide in every day.
I don’t think I could’ve gotten through sophomore year without you as my homeroom teacher. Seeing you every morning made my day. I loved hearing about what Bella and your family were up to and asking you for help in every subject (except math, of course). You always helped me no matter what else you had on your plate. You never gossiped. You always sat and listened and helped me feel better. You are an amazing teacher and an even better person. Your colorful hair always made me smile and I cannot wait for it to come back! I was so sad when I didn’t have you for my senior year, but stopping by your room every day for candy was almost good enough.
Carroll will always be my high school, but, as much as I love the students and faculty, you are the one person who has been there for me from the beginning to end. The kindness and strength you show every day has changed my life in ways you could not imagine and put me on the path I am on today. I can’t wait to hear what Bella has in her future, Thank you for being you!
Love, Laura Reimer