The annual Community Service Corps Thanksgiving Food Drive is underway
Thanksgiving Food Drive Clipart (Vector cliparts) thanksgiving,food,drive,clipart
November 3, 2022
The annual Community Service Corps Thanksgiving food drive at Archbishop Carroll has begun.
To donate, bring canned goods and turkey vouchers to the Campus Ministry office. English classes will be collecting money donations.
The goal of the food drive is to feed 160 families or raise $3,000. As of right now, less than ten percent has been donated.
CSC members will collect and drive the donations down to churches around the area. Among the drivers this year will be Caroline Downs, a senior.
“The Thanksgiving drive is the biggest service Carroll does every year and it is so rewarding to be a part of,” Downs said. “The CSC members have so much fun preparing meals together and driving them to churches for delivery.”
Mrs. Terry Crossan is in charge of the CSC food drive this year with the help of Campus Ministry and Spanish teacher Mrs. Yulene Ramos.
“I’m overwhelmed by how many students want to be involved and the parents association support,” said Crossan.
The Thanksgiving drive has been promoted around the school with posters and by Patriot News Live.
“Miss Ramos and I have had the students make flyers and the Saint Katherine’s Day School made turkey plates,” said Crossan.
Sign up to help and join CSC and be added to the group’s Google Classroom by talking to Mrs. Crossan in the Campus Ministry office or to Mrs. Ramos. CSC meetings are typically held on Mondays or Wednesdays once a month.
Students from all grades join every year and come together to give back to the community.
“I like helping out and seeing all the classes band together to help donate to the community,” said Katrina Trimble, a senior who has been a part of CSC since her freshman year.