Archbishop Carroll welcomed 32 new members into its National Honor Society chapter in an induction ceremony on Dec. 13 .
The ceremony, held in the audiorium, inducted three new members from the Class of 2024 and 29 new members from the Class of 2025.
The new members from the Class of 2024 are Reaghan Grobe, Rebecca Marano and Jared Mendoza. The new members from the Class of 2025 are Bridget Archbold, Adelina D’Achille, Catherine Dambrowski, Alexa Davidson, Mark Fohner, Analei Frank, Ciara Gallagher, Hanna Gavin, Dakota Gratman, Justin Hnat, Grace Hoban, Ryan Ibrahim, Therese Laphen, Syonnie Lee, Shana Mathews, Shannon McGee, Erin Organ, Daniel Peterkin, Mei Radar, MD Sabit, Chloe Schultz, Tyler Sion, Faith Siorek, Josephine Smith, Michael Stepien, Gabriel Vallejo, Sophia Verlinghieri, Elijah Wallgren and Luke Watson.
“It was a very nice ceremony,” said junior Daniel Peterkin. “It felt good to be honored for my hard work these past three years.”
The current members of the NHS were also recognized. The returning members — all seniors — are Angelina Alberici, Sarah Barrera-Cruz, Kirstin Blake McGarvey, Kevin Carroll, Aidan Chau, Julia Craskey, Sofia Cunicelli, Mia DeVuono, William Englert, Stephen Finley, Molly Friel, Joseph Gessig, Daniel Howard, Randa Ibrahim, Kadie Kutlus, Moira Larkin, Brianna Petruccelli, Rose Procaccini, Hadley Sheehan, Olivia Stout, Beth Wineburg, Laura Wineburg, Joseph Wood and James Wright.
“It’s a wonderful event to honor both the new members and the returning ones,” said sBlake McGarvey. “It feels like we passed the torch to the juniors.”
The ceremony started off with an instrumental procession and the National Anthem performed by juniors Kadin Kingston and Daniel Peterkin. Senior Laura Wineburg, the vice president of NHS, gave the invocation. Mr. Eric Tamney, the Campus Minister, led the congregation in prayer.
Dr. Patricia Scott, Carroll’s president, gave the welcome address. Dr. Scott made a connection to the feast day of St. Lucy, whose name means light, and said the NHS members are the light of the community.
The NHS executive board was introduced for the 2023-2024 school year. Brianna Petruccelli is president, Laura Wineburg is vice president, Rose Procaccini is secretary, Julia Craskey is treasurer, Kirstin Blake McGarvey is Career Day chair, Sarah Barrera-Cruz is service chair, Sofia Cunicelli is events and publicity chair and Rhanda Ibrahim is tutoring chair.
Petruccelli gave the president’s address and offered advice to the new inductees of the organization. Today is a day for celebrating, Petrucelli said, but it is back to business starting tomorrow.
The ceremony included the lighting of four candles that represent the foul pillars of the National Honor Society, which are scholarship, service, leadership and character.
The guest speaker for the event was Mrs. Diane Amlin, a math teacher at Carroll. Mrs. Amlin encouraged the students to go out and do good.
The closing remarks were made by Mr. William Gennaro, the principal of Archbishop Carroll. He closed out the ceremony by congratulating everyone and dismissing everyone to enjoy refreshments.
“Getting to relax and enjoy treats after the ceremony was the best part,” said Alberici. “Being able to sit and talk to your friends and classmates really showed the community this organization has.”