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The Carroll Times

Senior goodbye: Peyton Nord


Dear Carroll Underclassmen, 

As my senior year comes to an end, all of my favorite high school memories have recently come rushing through my head. Throughout my past four years at Archbishop John Carroll High School, I have gained an understanding of many things. More importantly, friendships will come and go, but the right ones will stay. Having this mindset is key to remember in high school. It is something that you will have to hold on to to help you get through tough times. 

Freshman year I came to Carroll with no close friends from my grade school and had to venture out on my own. Being forced to go outside of my comfort zone was not easy but it was worth it in the end. That year I found my best friends and one of them is now going to be my college roommate. This is all because I decided to talk to her in PE class. We were assigned to sit next to each other on the very first day of school. Long story short, we found out that we had the same birthday and after that, our friendship flourished from there on out. Time flies when you have the right people by your side. 

My faith is a huge part of my journey at Carroll as well. God had placed all of my beloved friends in my life for a reason. Thanking God through prayer for everything that Carroll has given to me is something that I cherish very deeply. The opportunities I have received are endless and I truly could not be more thankful. With that being said, hold dear to the joyful moments that you experience throughout your time at Carroll and never look back. I cannot believe how quickly time has escaped from me and unfortunately, I have taken a lot of it for granted. Luckily, you underclassmen have time to appreciate what you have around you right now. Do not take advantage of the time and friendships that you will never get back at Archbishop Carroll.

Peyton Nord

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