The Carroll Times

The Student News Site of Archbishop John Carroll High School

The Carroll Times

The Carroll Times

Senior goodbye: Marco Petroccia


Dear Archbishop John Carroll High School,

Where should I even begin? I firstly want to start off by saying thank you to the amazing teachers I have had over the past four years. Whether it was from an online perspective or in person, my teachers always wanted the best for me and I greatly appreciate that.  There was one teacher in particular I appreciate the most, and that is Mrs. Diane Gimpel. Mrs. Gimpel was my teacher for both journalism and ELA and is honestly like a second mom to me. Ms. Gimpel’s great advice paired with her contagious personality made her the best teacher I’ve had at Carroll. 

I would also like to thank my friends. I have met some of my best friends for life through this school and wouldn’t trade it for the world. I have caring and thoughtful friends that I wouldn’t think twice to help out in a time of need. Archbishop Carroll and the people that fill it made me feel comfortable with where I was, and made me feel welcomed even when I was a freshman. Along with meeting some of my best friends in my class, I have also become great friends with underclassmen through the sports at Carroll. Sports at Carroll allowed me to interact with so many different people, and build so many more great friendships. 

Lastly, I would like to thank my parents. My parents have been with me since I was born, and have stuck with me through my highs and lows. When I was feeling my lowest or feeling my best, my parents were with me through every step. My mom and dad helped me come out of my shell and apply myself to different activities where I would eventually meet my best friends. My parents have always wanted the best for me and I couldn’t appreciate them more. Both of my parents work hard to send me to Carroll, and have worked hard to send me to a great college. I’ve been blessed with so many opportunities because of them, and am so very grateful. I will truly never forget this place, and I am so glad I attended Archbishop Carroll. 

Sincerely, Marco Petroccia

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