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The Carroll Times

The Carroll Times

Senior goodbye: Megan Roscioli


Dear Archbishop Carroll, 

My time here at this school is finally up. Although it felt so long in the moment, the four years here have really flown by. Though I am ready to begin a brand new chapter in my life, I will miss the routine, and the friends I have made here so deeply. This school has definitely taught me so much, and has given me memories that I will carry on for the rest of my life. It is crazy to think back on my freshman year self and reflect on how different I am today. Without even realizing it I grew up here, and in a way feels like I am saying goodbye to my younger self.  

When I first came to Carroll Covid was still playing a big part in the world. For the first two years here it felt hard to make connections with others classmates, and really took a toll on the whole High School experience. It wasn’t until Junior year that it finally felt like a normal year of school. Since things went back to normal it gave way to new experiences and new friends. While having fun with friends and trying to get used to a new routine I didn’t even realize it was almost over until teachers started talking about applying to colleges. At first thinking about the future outside of this school felt scary. The thought of having to start all over again when I didn’t even feel like I was finished here yet was mortifying. Nonetheless seeking out advice from teachers and counselors here, made things feel exciting to embark on a brand new journey. 

People really do mean it when they say High School will fly by. At the beginning of the year I didn’t even feel like a Senior and now it is already over. Looking back I really wish I appreciated my time here more. My advice to incoming Seniors is to really enjoy your last year here and not take anything for granted. Spend as much time with friends and doing anything you wanted to do now, because it goes by so fast without you even realizing it. Throughout my time here I have learned so much not only academically, but about myself too. I have made everlasting friendships, got to participate in once in a lifetime opportunities, and endless new experiences. I’m so thankful for every teacher and classmate who has been a part of my time here at Archbishop Carroll, and will forever be grateful. With that my High School career has come to an end and it is finally time to say goodbye.    

                                                                                                       Thank You, 

                                                                                                  Megan Roscioli           

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