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The Carroll Times

The Carroll Times

Senior goodbye: Kate Ryan


Dear Archbishop Carroll, 

Thank you for giving me four years of learning, friendships, and fun. Looking back, the first day of freshman year feels like yesterday, although so much has happened in between. When seniors I used to know told me that each year gets faster, I never believed them. Now that I have experienced all four years of highschool, I know that this is true. Each year gets better and goes by faster. As the years went on, my love for Carroll grew and it really became like a second home to me. One of my favorite memories at Carroll was the junior and senior proms. Those were both some of the most memorable and fun experiences throughout the last two years.

Some advice I would give to the underclassmen is to get involved with their class. Joining all the clubs that seem interesting can help you develop relationships with your classmates while also being able to participate in things that you are interested in. Another piece of advice I would give to younger grades is to get involved in sports, even if you’re not very good at them. Sports teams are the best ways to make new friends and develop new hobbies. I started tennis in my junior year having no experience with the sport, and it turned out to be a great decision. Joining tennis made me develop a life-long hobby that I’m able to participate in into my adult life.

Overall, I’d like to thank Archbishop Carroll for giving me the opportunity to make life-long connections with the people I have met throughout my four years here. Many of the relationships I’ve made will definitely last far into the future, which I can thank Carroll for. From freshman year to now, I’ve learned many things about myself and the world. My classes have taught me lessons and skills that I will use throughout the rest of my life. Thank you Archbishop Carroll!

Kate Ryan

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