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The Carroll Times

The Carroll Times

Senior goodbye: Brooke Wilson


Dear Archbishop Carroll Community, 

Thank you for an amazing four years. My time at Carroll has been filled with growth, laughs, tears, championships, and memories. I have grown so much being guided by my teachers, friends, coaches, and administration. My teachers have taught me the importance of working hard and staying determined. The theology department and campus ministry have allowed my relationship with God and my faith to grow. Because of this, I was able to be guided by God in all my decisions. Throughout my four years at Carroll, I learned so much and I would like to give you some advice. 

My first piece of advice is to surround yourself with good people. My mom used to always tell me, “You are who you hang around.” Every day you should surround yourself with people who make you a better person, inspire you, and motivate you. I can confidently say that if I did not have some of the friendships I have at Carroll, I would be miserable and not the person I am today. There are so many amazing people at Carroll. I hope all of you find these amazing people and are able to call them friends for life as I did.

My second piece of advice is to use all the resources Carroll gives you to your advantage. There will be no one there to guide you each and every step of the way. You have to be able to advocate for yourself. The teachers here at Carroll truly do care about you and are more than happy to help you. However, in order to get this help you need to ask for it. Not advocating for yourself will catch up to you fast, so don’t make that mistake.

My last piece of advice is to have fun. High school is supposed to be a fun time making great memories and friendships. Go into school every day with a positive attitude and try to make the most of it because one day, before you know it, you’ll be walking down the aisle graduating.

Brooke Wilson

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