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The Student News Site of Archbishop John Carroll High School

The Carroll Times

The Carroll Times

Senior goodbye: Ava Winston


Dear underclassmen,

Senior year is truly a special time. Some people want to hold onto every last memory at Carroll, while others want the year to go by as quickly as possible. It is also one of the fastest years out of your four years of high school. Transferring here my junior year is something I will always take for granted for the people I met and is something I do not regret.

Throughout your senior year, so many special memories were made to remember. One key memory that I highly recommend you participate in is Kairos. Kairos for me was such a special time. Even though not much can be shared, it is an experience that is unique to everyone and a time when you can bond with other classmates in addition to strengthening your faith.

Another piece of advice is to be nice to everyone, especially during May when the idea of leaving your best friends and teachers you love the most sets in. As you finish your last month, remember that you may not see most of your classmates again, so it’s important to be kind and friendly to everyone and leave with no regrets.

Lastly, dedicate time to build bonds with your teachers during your time here. Especially when it comes to finding people to write you college recommendations, you want to be prepared and have teachers in mind who know you well to write them for you, instead of someone who doesn’t know you that well at all. The teachers here will become some of your best mentors. Building bonds with them is something you will also cherish for a very long time, and so you look back and have great memories with a certain class.


Ava Winston

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