Andres Moreno: Senior memory
May 28, 2020
My favorite memory about Carroll has to be Kairos and the friends that I have made. Kairos was, I would say, the epitome of my high school career, and I’m glad and blessed it was, and being able to both go as a retreatant and a leader made it even better.
Going in June for the first time was an eye-opening experience regarding how I perceived other people and my faith life. When I also got picked to lead in October, it strengthened my faith even more but it allowed me to see that we are all going through things, that we all are hiding that deep inside of us, and at Kairos all that guilt, fear, sadness is lifted. This experience made me so many new friends that I would’ve never thought I would call my friends.
That leads me to my life-long friends that I have made during my time here at Carroll. Those people have been through thick and thin with me and they never switched up on me. Nowadays, it is somewhat hard to find good, genuine, truthful people. All throughout my high school career I have met amazing people, people that I’m glad are a part of my life and I’m truly blessed to have them here with me. We have also experienced loss in Luke DePiano, a person that I will forever be thankful to have shown me funny times and his happiness. Through those rough times, and many other rough patches through these past years at Carroll, I can say that I’m truly blessed that I decided to go to Carroll.