Andrew Tickner: Senior memory
May 28, 2020
To think I would be writing about a special moment in my four years here seems so unrealistic. There’s so many to choose from, but in reality, only one proved to really show us as a family at Archbishop Carroll. One special defining moment that made us more of a family than a school was Luke DePiano’s passing. It is when the news came out that we realized life is too important to complain, too special to take for granted.
I remember back going to the funeral, and just seeing the pictures telling his life. I saw not only most seniors, but so much of the school who came to offer their condolences. I don’t think it’s because we lost a classmate that we did that, it’s because we lost family there. It’s unique to see just how one change is all it takes to make life a gift.
I was blessed to be a Kairos 101, the same Kairos Luke was going to attend. The stories both the teachers and student leaders gave out were moving, but it was Matteo Santoleri who really showed the value of that particular Kairos. He connected his purpose, his story with Luke, and made his point that life should be treated with love and gratitude.
It would be easy to talk about a victory I had while playing Ultimate Frisbee, or a funny memory I had there with my friends. Those topics seem too simple and not really the point regarding how a memory should be thought of. If memories are to teach others, and ourselves, of how precious our life is, then it should be Luke’s story that really shows that life is special.
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it is called the present.” -Randall Duk Kim