Fr. Mark Cavara is Carroll’s new director of campus ministry

Father Mark Cavara is Archbishop Carroll's director of campus ministry.

Father Mark Cavara is Archbishop Carroll’s director of campus ministry.

Matthew Boccella, Staff writer

Father Mark Cavara is the new director of campus ministry at Archbishop Carroll following Father Michael Speziale’s transfer to St. Philip Neri Parish in Lafayette Hill.

Father Speziale had been with Carroll for six years prior to his transfer during the summer. Father Cavara had been a member of Carroll’s theology faculty as well as a football coach at Carroll before being named to succeed Father Speziale.

“I want Carroll to be the ‘M.I.T. for Catholic leadership.’” Father Cavara said in an email. “In the same way that companies look to M.I.T for future engineers, I want Carroll to be a place the world looks to for future Catholic leaders.”

Father Mark plans to make the students of Archbishop Carroll the best leaders possible by reinforcing Catholic values. 

“That will happen if all of us gathered here continue to live out the four marks of the church: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, whether we are in the classroom or on Zoom,” Father Cavara said.

Nicholas Waldmann, a senior, had good things to say about Father Cavara.

“He’s a great role model, super devoted to the school and the faith and a fantastic leader and teacher,” Waldmann said.