Senior goodbye: Zachary Morgans

Zachary Morgans

Dear Mom and Dad,

As I finish up my last weeks of high school, I just wanted to reflect back and thank you for all that you have done for me over the past 12 years. Ever since I started attending Carroll, you both have made sacrifices for me and I could not be more thankful. You both work very hard to allow me to attend a Catholic high school, allowing me to strengthen my faith and make some great friends.

Ever since I started at St. Mary Magdalen, you both constantly dropped me off and picked me up from friends’ houses, practices, and games. Giving me those rides, even though they might not seem like much, allowed for me to meet some of my closest friends and make bonds that would last a lifetime. No matter what hour of the day it was, you never hesitated to come and pick me up if I needed you to. Even after I turned 16 and got my license, you didn’t stop helping me there. You still made sacrifices for me through buying me a car that I could use and paying for the gas. Both of you constantly helped me out in so many different ways, and without the both of you I would not be the same person that I am today.

You guys taught me all of the qualities a young man would need to know to succeed in life and prosper. You taught me proper manners, how to carry myself, and a great work ethic. I will never forget some of the lessons that you both have taught me. Without your wisdom there would have been things I never thought were possible. For example, you both always preached to me that as long as you are determined, you can accomplish any goal you set your eyes on, and because of this I decided to play lacrosse this year even though I had never played before. You guys pushed me to expand my interests and that led me to making new friends, developing new skills, and discovering new interests. If you had not made the sacrifices to send me to Carroll, chauffeur me around to practices, and teach me valuable lessons, I would not have turned out as the same young man that I am today, so thank you!