Seniors go through another right of passage: Yearbook signing
June 2, 2023
On May 18, Archbishop Carroll’s senior class went to the cafeteria to sign each other’s yearbooks before they graduate in early June. It was a day full of laughter and love as friends came together to write meaningful messages to each other they could keep for years.
“I liked seeing my face in the yearbook,” said Kendall Carson. “My child picture was cute.”
“I was just excited to look through the year book,” said Kaitlyn Tsinaroglou. “Some people were carrying it around and hugging it when there was literally a handle.”
The Senior teachers signed many of the students’ books with many smiles on their faces as they prepared to send the class of 2023 on their way into the real world.
“I got Cahir, Gimpel, and Mr. Cummings to sign,” said Carson.
“Gimpel, Cahir, Cahill, and O’Brien signed mine,” said Karli Adams.
Some messages written by fellow classmates that some of these seniors wanted to share.
“Keep being yourself, and don’t let anyone get in the way of that,” Adams read from her yearbook.
“I love your energy, Kendall,” Carson read. “Keep being you. You’ve been the same since I met you and I love it.”