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The Student News Site of Archbishop John Carroll High School

The Carroll Times

The Carroll Times

Senior goodbye: Ruth Kozak


Dear Archbishop John Carroll High School, 

Sitting down to write this letter, I am filled with so many emotions. The time that I have spent so many hours daydreaming about has finally come. High school has been a journey filled with countless memories, challenges, friendships and triumphs. It’s hard to believe that graduation is finally here after four years that felt like the blink of an eye.

From the first day I walked through the doors of Carroll, I knew I loved it. The summer after 8th grade I decided to leave the public school district I was a part of to come to Archbishop Carroll. It was the best decision I’ve ever made. I transferred here knowing only two people who weren’t even in my grade. They pushed me to enroll here because they knew I would love it as much as they both did. After four years that went by entirely too quickly, I have met my best friends and had some of the best teachers I could ask for. 

To the teachers, staff and administration, thank you for creating a safe environment for students to thrive and learn comfortably. Your hard work and dedication to this school is deeply appreciated. You have played an important role in making my high school experience the best it can be and helped me realize my full potential. The only advice I have for underclassmen is to just do what is asked of you. The rules aren’t difficult to follow and there is nothing to gain from not turning in your work on time or not doing it. As I move onto this next chapter in my life, I carry with me the experiences I have gained and the lessons I have learned. While I am sad to say goodbye, I am filled with excitement for the future. 

Thank you, Archbishop John Carroll, for shaping me into who I am and giving me the tools to go through the next chapter of my life with memories that will last forever.

With gratitude, 

Ruthie Kozak

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