The Carroll Times

The Student News Site of Archbishop John Carroll High School

The Carroll Times

The Carroll Times

Senior goodbye: Sadie Stewart


Dear Archbishop Carroll, 

Thank you for helping me grow here during my time in the past four years. While at Carroll I struggled tremendously with my freshman year going virtual and had a very hard time making any kind of friendship. Being virtual caused me to think teachers were not supporting me the way I wanted academically until I reached out myself to personally talk to them. Once I got in contact with my teachers, I found the ones I could go to when I was struggling and without ever making that move I am unsure I would be a senior at Carroll today. During my freshmen year, I realized I needed extra help and dropped out of Spanish 1 to be in Skills with Mr. Fryberger. The class was small and there were about two other students besides me. I refused to interact until Mr. Fryberger made me realize the support system I had and soon enough he was the first friend I had made at Carroll. By welcoming me and becoming a mentor, he made me realize the things I can achieve here.

It was not until my sophomore year that I got the same opportunity to help people younger than me. Coming to Carroll as a freshman is scary. Whether you came from a tiny private school that had 50 students or a giant public school with 800 students, everyone was in the same boat as a freshman. Knowing how hard it was for me to personally fit in my first year, I made as many freshmen and transfer friends as I could because I knew how it felt to not be seen. To this day as a senior, I continue to make as many underclassmen friends as possible because they always need someone to guide them and it’s much easier as someone who has been in their shoes rather than a teacher who might not understand.  

Making it this far as a person and a grade has been a huge accomplishment. For most of the Class of 2024, we never got a real 8th-grade graduation, meaning this may be the first time some of us are getting recognized for all we have done to make it this far. High school has taught me a variety of lessons and life skills that I will continue to take with me throughout my life. From the very first day, you walk into the classroom as a freshman to your final moments as a senior, you have to learn to cherish every moment. As much work as it seems to make it to your goal, you can achieve it and go on to the next goal. You are capable of anything but time is precious and you should savor it while you can. 


Sadie Stewart

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