Julia Walsh: Senior memory

Julia Walsh

My first math class at Carroll was with Mr. Mounayar freshman year. I had him second period, before my third period lunch. In that class, I ended up meeting my best friend to this day, Molly Cannon. While that class had a lot of class clowns, Mr. Mounayar was still able to teach us math in an easier way. 

When I got my schedule in August before senior year, I saw my last math class at Carroll would be with Mr. Mounayar fourth period. When Molly got hers, she had the same class. It was like freshman year again. I was so excited, realizing I had so many friends in the class. 

Math was always my least favorite subject in school before Carroll but Mr. Mounayar made it more understandable and fun. This year’s class I became friends with even more people in the class. While we were a rather small class we had a great time.

I loved going up to the board to do problems. I will never forget when we were learning about exponents. Mr. Mounayar played the song, “Drop It Like It’s Hot” to make us remember when we are supposed to drop the exponent. He made math class fun and exciting and I will always remember my fourth period math class.