Student council is ready and raring to go

Student council President Sofia Petroccia

Nicholas Volpe, Staff writer

Although this year is different from previous ones, student council President Sofia Petroccia has plans to make it as fun as possible by adding social distancing-compatible events, which will give students things to look forward to.

“This is a time when it can be hard for people to maintain our Carroll pride,” Petroccia said. “However, I want to see our school be as patriotic as ever and to keep the spirit alive!”

Petroccia said the student council board of directors has so much talent and Patriot pride. She said she is confident they will work well with each other and make it a great year.

Some goals Vice President Jason “JT” McNally has are to get students involved in extracurricular activities as much as possible and to keep them safe and happy and healthy.

“I hope to see more familiar faces at different events and to make sure people know not to be afraid to get involved,”  said McNally.

McNally said he is very confident that the student council will accomplish its goals even with the limitations it has and the circumstances that it is in.

Student council Secretary Michael Young echoed his colleagues’ sentiments.

“I personally want everyone to make the most out of this year,” Young said. “Hopefully,, everyone, including myself, can make this year an opportunity to continue with our goals instead of just a year to get it over with.”

Young said he plans to help out wherever he can, whether it’s a virtual open house or in-school events.