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The Carroll Times

The Carroll Times

Senior goodbye: Cleveland Woodson


Dear Archbishop John Carroll,

          Thank you for giving me a place that helped me learn and grow as a person these last four years. Thank you, also, for giving me the opportunity to meet new people and create new bonds with my teachers and friends. All the memories we have created together–the good, and the bad–  I wouldn’t change. I had some of my best and worst times during my sophomore year.

          I would also like to thank Carroll for the memories I have due to football. We lost a lot, but the team gave me brothers for life; it gave me a second family that will always be there for me; it gave me a brotherhood I was proud to be part of. The most memorable experience was when the football team stayed a night at the school and played in a scrimmage the next morning. It’s sad that football came to an end, but I’m happy I got to experience it with my brothers. Wrestling my junior and senior year also created more memories. The bus talk with Jared was probably my favorite part (and getting on his nerves). In the end, I’m happy I got the opportunity to meet these people and create bonds with them.

         Lastly, I will talk about my senior year and say thank you to everyone who helped me get through it. Senior year was fun doing different activities like Fit for Life, basketball, the satire project for Mrs.Gimpel, and the New York trip with Mr.Valenti. The thing I’ll miss the most is joking with the football team before and after practice, and trash talking to each other during practice so we get riled up. Good times!!!!! Now, however, it’s time to move on to college and worry about the place I’ll be for the next four years. 

Thank you, Carroll.


Cleveland Woodson

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